How to decipher allergy information on food labels in Japan


Photo by Michael Stern

Have you ever taken a good look at food labels with descriptions about ingredients? It is a very important piece of information for those who have allergies to check whether they can safely consume the food stuff. This article explains how to decipher food labels written in Japanese.


What is food allergy?

If you have a food allergy, it causes an immunological reaction when you consume a particular ingredient you are allergic to. Allergy can often occur suddenly, even when you have not had been affected before or when you have never diagnosed as having one.


What kind of condition a food allergy can cause?

It may take between a few minutes to a few hours from the consumption of a particular ingredient for the reaction to happen.

The symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Pain/ache
  • Rash
  • Swelling
  • Difficulty to breathe
  • Change in the colour of the lips
  • Skin turning red

Severe reaction is called ‘anaphylactic shock’, which is a medical emergency that can be fatal.

  • Asthma
  • Feeling sick (nausea) or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or diarrhoea
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Unconsciousness


How to read food labels

Seven specific raw materials

In Japan, food manufacturers are obliged to display seven specific raw materials that can cause severe allergic reaction on the food labels wherever they are contained.

Kanji Kana English
たまご・タマゴ Egg
小麦 こむぎ・コムギ Wheat
海老 えび・エビ Shrimp
かに・カニ Crab
蕎麦 そば・ソバ Buckwheat
落花生 らっかせい・ラッカセイ Peanut
にゅう・ニュウ Milk


20 raw materials

There are 20 more ingredients which are recommended for food manufacturers to display. However, these are not mandatory, enforced by law. If you are in doubt, you have to contact the manufacturer to request further information.

Kanji Kana English
あわび・アワビ Abalone
烏賊 いか・イカ Squid
- いくら・イクラ Salmon Roe
- オレンジ Orange
- カシューナッツ Cashew nut
- キウイフルーツ Kiwi
牛肉 ぎゅうにく・ギュウニク Beef
胡桃 くるみ・クルミ Walnut
胡麻 ごま・ゴマ Sesame
さけ・サケ Salmon
さば・サバ Mackerel
大豆 だいず・ダイズ Soybean
鶏肉 とりにく・トリニク Chicken
- バナナ Banana
豚肉 ぶたにく・ブタニク Pork
松茸 まつたけ・マツタケ Matsutake mushroom
もも・モモ Peach
山芋 やまいも・ヤマイモ Yam or sweet potato
林檎 りんご・リンゴ Apple
- ゼラチン Gelatin


Some exceptions where seven specific raw materials can be omitted from food labels

There are some exceptions where the seven specific raw materials can be omitted from food labels.

  • Products that are wrapped on purchase. 
    Eg. Bread and pastry from a bakery
  • Products sold by weight or items made by order. 
    Eg. Boxed lunch assembled on order
  • Products whose surface is less than 30 square centimetres.

Food labels may not be even obligatory in these cases. If you are not sure, ask the shop assistant as you place an order and explain your needs.


When you still had an allergic reaction…

If you still happen to have an allergic reaction, then go to the hospital or call the ambulance. Follow this link to find the emergency contacts where they speak English.





三森千 Sen Mimori

Providing information on culture and trivia to bring some color to your sightseeing!

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